Archive for 2023-04
Summary and highlights
- Beautiful The Cosmic Dance book.
- Loads of notes, in many directions.
- Thinking about No-self, consciousness, Reality.
- Discovered Zen author Charlotte Joko Beck. Verbal equivalents of being hit with a stick!
- Lots of Taijitu art
- Bars art: painting colour blocks, Rothko-like
- No-Self (added 2023-04-16)
- Consciousness (added 2023-04-07)
Longer form
- Reality, Experience, (Inter)actions (added 2023-04-24)
- Act without acting on, work without working at.
- Each part is in the whole, the whole is in each part.
- Enlightenment is non-interference.
- Excess invites disaster.
- Flow without forcing or coercing.
- Function melts form, perpetually. Form follows failure.
- Harmony comes from continuous, small, feedback loops.
- Impermanence is what makes transformation possible.
- Institutionalise stability, suffer chaos. Institutionalise chaos, enjoy stability.
- Longevity is determind by flexibility.
- Mindfulness brings concentration, concentration brings insight.
- Proceeding slowly means mistakes instruct.
- Quietly, discreetly, serve the common good.
- Redundancy is more reliable than attempts at perfection.
- Seeing clearly is difficult because of the (imaginary) obstacles we put up.
- Some ideas are too big to take in once and completely.
- The rivers all flow to the sea because it's beneath them.
- Walk until the heat goes out of it.
- We practice to (have the strength to) confront problems effectively.
- Look for yourself, at zero distance.
- Awareness brings choice. Choice brings freedom.
- Consciousness is a verb. Beauty, truth, goodness are aspects of it, adverbs.
- Gradually break the bad habits of bad feelings, bad intentions.
- Intuition can take in more, and more subtle, inputs.
- It's so close we overlook it.
- Negative Capability: remain in doubt and uncertainty.
- Notice the space around objects, connecting objects.
- Some important things can only be expressed implicitly, through experience (not knowledge).
- The cosmos is constantly speeding things up that are important to it.
- The process is the fulfilment.
- There aren't values because there's life, there's life because there are values.
- There's a lot going on there...
- Treat waiting as unexpected extra time to practice.
- Don't draw forced, unnatural, distinctions.
- Have a mind like a mirror: chase nothing; welcome nothing; respond but don't store.
- If right differed from not-right clearly, there'd be no need for argument.
- It's only when "I" arises that "You", "They", arise.
- Read and reread until you have an intuitive sense of what's behind the words.
- Renunciation, not action, is the path to liberation.
- Transcend without denying.
- Even a "bad session" of meditation interrupts the non-stop flow of thoughts.
- We set the threshold (for gratitude, for example)
- Buddhism's central teachings are entirely empirical.
- Experience more clearly. Not think about experience more clearly.
- Only the absence of the thinker of thoughts can be found.
- Our conventional sense of self is an illusion.
- Spend time and attention in large bills.
- The Path is a river.
- The world has many problems. But we don't need to be miserable while we work on them.
- The person appears in awareness, not the other way around.
- And/or. We need both.
- But/and. Continuation and negation. The turn, The twist.
Book notes
- Nothing Special.
- Waking Up.
- The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi.
- Zhuangzi: Basic Writings.
- Sensitive Chaos.
- A House with Good Bones by Kingfisher, T.. Read 28-04-2023, rated 4/5.
- Nothing Special by Beck, Charlotte Joko. Read 24-04-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Nothing Special.
- A stone seat and a shadow tree by Jansen, Adrienne. Read 21-04-2023, rated 4/5.
- And Put Away Childish Things by Tchaikovsky, Adrian. Read 20-04-2023, rated 4/5.
- Waking Up by Harris, Sam. Read 19-04-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Waking Up.
- The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi by Maharshi, Ramana. Read 17-04-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi.
- Zhuangzi: Basic Writings by Zhuangzi. Read 13-04-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Zhuangzi: Basic Writings.
- Furies by Various authors. Read 08-04-2023, rated 4/5.
- The Cosmic Dance by Ellcock, Stephen. Read 09-04-2023, rated 5/5.
- This folding map by Riach, Alan. Read 04-04-2023, rated 3/5.
- The Martian Chronicles by Bradury, Ray. Read 02-04-2023, rated 4/5.
- Sensitive Chaos by Schwenk, Theodor. Read 01-04-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Sensitive Chaos.
2023 04 Taijitu
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2023 04 Sketches
2023 04 Bars
2023 04 Bars 2
- Sifu on PS5. Rated 5/5.
Nothing this month.