Archive for 2023-06
Summary and highlights
- Thinking about seeing the bigger picture, the Whole that the parts are in.
- Thinking about acceptance in a wide sense.
- Wrote lots of notes under human, Buddhism, and Daoism categories.
- Read lots of 5 star books, including lots of Sci-fi, including The Far Reaches miniseries.
- Sketched some Eyes Guyz.
- The Whole (added 2023-05-23, updated 2023-06-18)
- The Headless Way (added 2023-06-16)
Longer form
- No things are truly independently existing.
- Pay attention to interior and exterior, individual and collective.
- Polarities have rewards of focusing and risks of neglecting either pole.
- The brain's simulation of the world needs a phenomenal self. But it's only a model.
- We don't experience the world directly.
- 4E cognition. Cognition can can be embodied, embedded, enacted, extended.
- Many metaphysical questions aren't conducive to liberation. They just lead to further speculation.
- The consequences of our choices extend far and wide, in many directions.
- The Middle Way. Both indulgence and deprivation are equally useless for liberation.
- Beneath our uniqueness is commonality.
- Dissolve conflict (not avoid it) by bringing non-reactivity.
- Don't reduce a person to their temporary function.
- Every person is the protagonist in their own story.
- Mindful presence, mindful response.
- More important than what's happening is how you meet it.
- Quiet the mind, open the heart.
- The movement of thoughts in your mind creates a narrative, a self.
- What connects us is more powerful than what divides us.
- What happens when you bring compassion to the feeling?
- Your deeper identity is that relaxed, alive, stillness.
- Be, accept, the whole of your experience, not just some of it.
- Be interested in what's happening, not caught up in it and identified with it.
- Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose at hand.
- And not-this: notice how sounds happen in silence.
- Avoid excess, extravagance, arrogance.
- Be as careful at the end as at the beginning.
- Find just enough space to notice what's going on.
- Have little thought of self, and as few desires as possible.
- Relax into stillness. Light and easy, not rigid.
- Rest in the wider space of awareness.
- Simply rest as that which is aware.
- Take the lower position, the root, the base.
- We're not, and have never been, separate from our experience.
- All development is envelopment: transcend and include.
- Don't dismiss what you find just because it doesn't match your existing model.
- Problems start when you dismiss or deny a perspective.
- We interpret states according to our stage.
- What things are depends on the range of the observer.
- Find peace by resting in the wider whole, of this and not-this.
- Find peace, humility in our smallness, our luck to be alive.
- Recognize, once again, that life is bigger than we are.
- Experiencing before understanding, defining, or remembering.
- The Eightfold Path; (Ethics) Right Speech, Action, Livelihood; (Meditation) Effort, Mindfulness, Concentration; (Wisdom) View, Intention.
- The Four Noble Truths: there is suffering; the cause of suffering is craving; there is an end to suffering; the way is the eightfold path.
- The Fourfold Task: Embrace life; Let go of (instinctive) reactivity; See the ceasing of reactivity; Act from a place of clarity.
- Gently let go of the idea, the feeling, of there being a meditator.
- Notice and orient towards the underlying unity and wholeness.
Book notes
- Waking Up to What You Do.
- Shinto: The Kami Way.
- Ruined by Design.
- The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction.
- How to Say No: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Cynicism.
- Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised by Somerville, Alice Te Punga. Read 30-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- How It Unfolds (The Far Reaches, #1) by Corey, James S.A.. Read 29-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Falling Bodies (The Far Reaches, #3) by Roanhorse, Rebecca. Read 28-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- The Long Game (The Far Reaches, #4) by Leckie, Ann. Read 28-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Void (The Far Reaches, #2) by Roth, Veronica. Read 27-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Slow Time Between the Stars (The Far Reaches, #6) by Scalzi, John. Read 27-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Just Out of Jupiter's Reach (The Far Reaches, #5) by Okorafor, Nnedi. Read 27-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Waking Up to What You Do by Rizzetto, Diane Eshin. Read 24-06-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Waking Up to What You Do.
- Shinto: The Kami Way by Ono, Sokyo. Read 17-06-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Shinto: The Kami Way.
- Personal Velocity by Miller, Rebecca. Read 16-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Sleep and the Soul by Egan, Greg. Read 16-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems by Collins, Billy. Read 12-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Ruined by Design by Monteiro, Mike. Read 10-06-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Ruined by Design.
- The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction by Wilber, Ken. Read 06-06-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction.
- Season of Skulls (New Management #3) by Stross, Charles. Read 06-06-2023, rated 5/5.
- Tempest, Kae by On Connection. Read 05-06-2023, rated 4/5.
- How to Say No: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Cynicism by Usher, M D. Read 01-06-2023, rated 3/5. My noteson How to Say No: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Cynicism.
2023 06 Sketches
2023 06 Eyes Guyz
Nothing this month.
Nothing this month.