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Archive for 2023-07

Summary and highlights



  1. Collapsing (added 2023-07-30)
  2. Rest and peace (added 2023-07-16)
  3. Nondual practice (added 2023-07-16)
  4. Wu wei (added 2023-05-24, updated 2023-07-09)
  5. Competitiveness (added 2023-07-03)

Longer form

  1. Relaxed, creative, practice (added 2023-07-31)
  2. Some "nots" (added 2023-07-30)
  3. Self: perception and illusion (added 2023-07-29)
  4. Pre-retreat grips (added 2023-07-28)
  5. Capitalism (added 2023-07-02)


  1. Our reaction to ordinary, everyday, events show us our true colours. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 01-07-2023.
  2. The all-time of the whole becomes the no-time of the center. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 01-07-2023.
  3. The Silver Rule: Don't do to others what you don't want done to you. In πŸ‘€ Human. Added 01-07-2023.
  4. The smaller the dismembered part, the less it comprehends itself, the whole. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 01-07-2023.
  5. "To learn without thinking is fatal, but to think without learning is just as bad." In πŸ‘€ Human. Added 01-07-2023.
  6. Equalise self and others, as human beings. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 02-07-2023.
  7. Life is the dancer, you are the dance. Notice that you can’t tell the dancer from the dance. In β˜―️ Daoism, 🌘 Nondual. Added 02-07-2023.
  8. Being seen creates the β€œI”, we become self-conscious. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  9. Emotions and feelings like anger and anxiety are information, β€œsalience signals”. In πŸ§˜ Mindfulness, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  10. Feel the profound relief of recognising no-self. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  11. Have no preference. Change the cognitive frame. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  12. Notice what you map to your sense of self. For example: anxiety vs indigestion. In πŸ§˜ Mindfulness, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  13. Reaction to thought is also another thought. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 04-07-2023.
  14. The feeling of self is like clenching a fist. But the inside is still empty. In πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  15. When you notice someone looking your way: what are they looking at? In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 04-07-2023.
  16. In awareness there is no resistance. In πŸ™† Acceptance, πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 09-07-2023.
  17. The separate self arises in resisting and seeking. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 09-07-2023.
  18. Being outdoors, in nature, wakes up our physical senses. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ‘€ Human, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 10-07-2023.
  19. Nature shows us concrete versions of impermanence and interdependence. In πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness, 🌘 Nondual. Added 10-07-2023.
  20. Nondual practice is nondoing, relaxing. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 10-07-2023.
  21. Short moments, many times. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 10-07-2023.
  22. The effort to meditate creates the meditator, separateness, duality. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 10-07-2023.
  23. Anger, anxiety, aren't the right states from which to best respond. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 13-07-2023.
  24. Anything that can be named or located can't be you: it's an object in awareness. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 13-07-2023.
  25. Big insights have to be available now, not just as impermanent, peak, states. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 13-07-2023.
  26. Celebrate your good qualities to acknowledge and improve them. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 13-07-2023.
  27. Challenge your assumptions using your direct experience. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 13-07-2023.
  28. Distraction from discomfort is the separate self expressing itself. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 13-07-2023.
  29. Joy and delight are better encouragement to learning than criticism. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 13-07-2023.
  30. Not an injunction to do, but an invitation to rest. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 13-07-2023.
  31. The "I am" before adding anything, before looking backwards or forwards. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 13-07-2023.
  32. The past, the future, the present moment are projections of the mind. In πŸ“ Experience. Added 13-07-2023.
  33. When you think "I've found it!", that's not it. "It" is before thought. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual. Added 13-07-2023.
  34. Any given duality or division is conceptual only. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual, ↔️ Opposites. Added 21-07-2023.
  35. No approaching, no becoming. Just let everything fall away. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 27-07-2023.
  36. Orient towards unity, wholeness, the peace therein. In πŸ‘€ Human, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ’ͺ Resilience. Added 27-07-2023.
  37. Sense fields: What shape is it? What size it? Where are the edges? In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 27-07-2023.
  38. The first instant is before before classification, measuring, labelling. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 27-07-2023.
  39. You are not anything you can think about yourself. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 27-07-2023.
  40. Doing collapses all possible futures into a single concrete present. In πŸ“ Experience, ⏰ Waking-up. Added 29-07-2023.
  41. Our mechanisms for simplifying the world so that we can control it prevent us from understanding it. In πŸ‘€ Human, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 29-07-2023.
  42. Reality is processes and fields that collapse into things. In πŸ“ Experience, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 29-07-2023.
  43. Sometimes falsifying is difficult. Instead test against ongoing lived experience. In πŸ‘€ Human, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 29-07-2023.
  44. The more important something is, the more difficult it is to grasp in language. In πŸ‘€ Human, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 29-07-2023.
  45. When we're absorbed, time and embodiment are backgrounded. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ‘€ Human, 🌘 Nondual. Added 29-07-2023.


Book notes

  1. Principles of Zen.
  2. Tiny Habits.
  3. The Sacred East.


  1. Principles of Zen by Batchelor, Martine. Read 30-07-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Principles of Zen.
  2. Timequake by Vonnegut Jr., Kurt. Read 29-07-2023, rated 4/5.
  3. Wonders of Life  by Cox, Brian. Read 29-07-2023, rated 4/5.
  4. Hera Lindsay Bird  by Bird, Hera Lindsay. Read 25-07-2023, rated 5/5.
  5. Tiny Habits by Fogg, B.J.. Read 13-07-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Tiny Habits.
  6. If Else Paradise by Sriduangkaew, Benjanun. Read 08-07-2023, rated 4/5.
  7. Titanium Noir by Harkaway, Nick. Read 03-07-2023, rated 5/5.
  8. The Sacred East by Littleton, C. Scott. Read 01-07-2023, rated 3/5. My noteson The Sacred East.


2023 07 Dot Dot Dot


  1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice on PS5. Rated 5/5.
  2. Final Fantasy 16 on PS5. Rated 3/5.


    Nothing this month.