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Archive for 2023-12

Summary and highlights



  1. Acceptance and resistance (added 2023-12-03)

Longer form

  1. My philosophy (added 2023-12-29, updated 2023-12-31)
  2. Philosophical systems (added 2023-12-14)
  3. Spiralling towards clarity (added 2023-12-06)
  4. Silence, stillness, slowness (added 2023-12-05, updated 2023-12-06)
  5. Gym as analogy (added 2023-12-03)


  1. A willingness to begin again is the key to freedom. In πŸ§˜ Mindfulness, ⏰ Waking-up. Added 01-12-2023.
  2. All things and events can only be truly understood as integrated parts of the whole. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual. Added 01-12-2023.
  3. By focusing attention on a concept we create its opposite. In β˜―️ Daoism, 🌘 Nondual, ↔️ Opposites. Added 01-12-2023.
  4. Desires only appear to contain imperatives. In πŸ§˜ Mindfulness, 🐌 Slowness, ⏰ Waking-up. Added 01-12-2023.
  5. Intellectual maps and verbal interpretations are necessarily inaccurate and incomplete. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 01-12-2023.
  6. Liveliness can only be felt, not measured by statistics. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 01-12-2023.
  7. Reality is fundamentally interconnected, interdependent, inseparable. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual, ↔️ Opposites. Added 01-12-2023.
  8. Things that seems separate are manifestations of the underlying unity. In πŸŒ˜ Nondual. Added 01-12-2023.
  9. Ask yourself: "what would be enough?" In πŸ™† Acceptance, πŸ‘€ Human, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 02-12-2023.
  10. Break the mind to body to mind negative loop. In πŸ‘€ Human, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 02-12-2023.
  11. Sit still and feel the discomfort. In πŸ™† Acceptance, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 02-12-2023.
  12. Choosing obscures the way. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, ☯️ Daoism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 08-12-2023.
  13. Clarity is accepting what's clear and what's not clear. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 08-12-2023.
  14. Drop a koan into your mind like a pebble into a still pond. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism. Added 08-12-2023.
  15. Just rest. Don't meddle with thinking. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 08-12-2023.
  16. Labels divide and isolate. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 08-12-2023.
  17. Live with full attention and clear awarness. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 08-12-2023.
  18. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. In β˜―️ Daoism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 08-12-2023.
  19. Our life is a gift from everyone. None of us have earned our keep. In β˜―️ Daoism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 08-12-2023.
  20. Plant good seeds. Day by day. Year after year. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 08-12-2023.
  21. Soak in the silence and vastness of existence. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 08-12-2023.
  22. The separation of subject and object is only conceptual. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 08-12-2023.
  23. The three transcendentals: what is good, what is true, what is beautiful. In πŸ‘€ Human, ❀️ Love, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 08-12-2023.
  24. Three jewels of Daoism: humility, compassion, simplicity. In β˜―️ Daoism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 08-12-2023.
  25. Totally embrace all ordinary opposites in harmony. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🌘 Nondual. Added 08-12-2023.
  26. You are the principal beneficiary of your practice. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, ⏰ Waking-up. Added 08-12-2023.
  27. You are the principle victim of your delusions. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, ⏰ Waking-up. Added 08-12-2023.
  28. Zen demonstrates reality rather than talking about it. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 08-12-2023.
  29. Zen uses contradiction and paradox to loosen our grip on concepts. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 08-12-2023.
  30. Orient towards stillness. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism. Added 10-12-2023.
  31. Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism. Added 14-12-2023.
  32. Uncertainty is just a story you tell yourself. (Inaction is in fact an action) In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human, πŸ’ͺ Resilience. Added 14-12-2023.
  33. It's only when you think about it that it hurts. In πŸ‘€ Human, 🧘 Mindfulness, 🌘 Nondual. Added 16-12-2023.
  34. The self is like a net made to catch suffering. In πŸ‘€ Human, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 16-12-2023.
  35. Be friendly to yourself and merciful to others. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 21-12-2023.
  36. Simply to be alive presents us with tension and mystery. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, πŸ‘€ Human. Added 21-12-2023.
  37. Suffering is struggling with things as they are. In πŸ™† Acceptance, ☸️ Buddhism. Added 21-12-2023.
  38. Take the cushion everywhere. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 21-12-2023.
  39. Tend patiently to your mind, like a gardener to their garden. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 21-12-2023.
  40. This current feeling is not solid or permanent. In πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 21-12-2023.
  41. We habitually resist unpleasant experiences, which sustains and prolongs them. In πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness, ↔️ Opposites. Added 21-12-2023.
  42. By holding fast to our likes and dislikes, we continually recreate the sense of self. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 22-12-2023.
  43. Effortless action as in: no sense of self taking action In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, ☯️ Daoism, 🌘 Nondual. Added 22-12-2023.
  44. Empty as in absence, the possibility of appearance. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual. Added 22-12-2023.
  45. Our true nature is deep, still, harmonious without the polarities of opinion and belief. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 22-12-2023.
  46. Reality, seen and unseen, is one unified field of loving aliveness. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, ⭕️ Tmwt. Added 22-12-2023.
  47. Recognise the matrix of (constructed) narratives you live in. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 22-12-2023.
  48. See what's happening in this moment as exactly right. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 22-12-2023.
  49. We can only recognise, think about, nondual experience after the fact. In . Added 22-12-2023.
  50. Who are you, once you've let everything go? In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ™‹ Self. Added 22-12-2023.
  51. Absolute intimacy with the 10,000 things. In β˜ΈοΈ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience. Added 28-12-2023.
  52. Transcend difficulties through deep surrender. In πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 29-12-2023.
  53. Transcend difficulties through deep surrender. In πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness. Added 29-12-2023.


Book notes

  1. Zen in the Art of Archery.
  2. Lying.
  3. The Gifts of Imperfection.
  4. The Elements of Style.
  5. Nonduality: In Buddhism and Beyond.
  6. Trust in Awakening.
  7. The Dangerous Life and Ideas of Diogenes the Cynic.
  8. Radically Condensed Instructions for Being Just as You Are.
  9. Returning to Silence: Zen Practice in Everyday Life.

Other notes

  1. stoicism and tests, challenges in stoics-and-cynics.
  2. why you are lonely and how to make friends - kurzgesagt in relationships, from Why You Are Lonely and How to Make Friends.
  3. henry shukman - practice email - three poisons.jpg in zen.
  4. sowing anachronism - the school of the unconformed in philosophy-systems, from Sowing Anachronism: How to be Weird in Public, and Private.
  5. is love the source and sustenance - ian mcg in the-matter-with-things, from Iain McGilchrist and D C Schindler: Is Love the Source and Sustenance of Everything in the Universe?.
  6. the medicine of emptiness when witnessing suffering and injustice - zen studies in zen, from The Medicine of Emptiness When Witnessing Suffering and Injustice.
  7. philosophical systems in philosophy-systems, from 500 word philosophy.
  8. lao tzu - taoism - ways to be in flow with your life in daoism, from 6 Ways To Be In Flow With Your Life - Lao Tzu(Taoism).
  9. control your cravings - tao te ching ch12 in daoism.
  10. waking up - resilience in waking-up.
  11. practice is how you live each and every moment - zen studies in zen.
  12. stoic philosophy on community and connection in stoics-and-cynics.
  13. the truth is always made of details in the-natural-world.
  14. uncertainty - uncivil savant in systems-thinking.


  1. Zen in the Art of Archery by Herrigel, Eugen. Read 30-12-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Zen in the Art of Archery.
  2. Paladin's Faith by Kingfisher, T.. Read 30-12-2023, rated 5/5.
  3. Lying by Harris, Sam. Read 29-12-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Lying.
  4. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brown, BrenΓ©. Read 29-12-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson The Gifts of Imperfection.
  5. Sailing Alone Around the Room by Collins, Billy. Read 26-12-2023, rated 4/5.
  6. The Elements of Style by Strunk Jr., William. Read 25-12-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson The Elements of Style.
  7. Nonduality: In Buddhism and Beyond by Loy, David R.. Read 25-12-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Nonduality: In Buddhism and Beyond.
  8. On the Fox Roads by Vo, Nghi. Read 23-12-2023, rated 4/5.
  9. Witch King by Wells, Martha. Read 21-12-2023, rated 5/5.
  10. Trust in Awakening by Snyder, Stephen. Read 16-12-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Trust in Awakening.
  11. The Dangerous Life and Ideas of Diogenes the Cynic by Roubineau, Jean-Manuel. Read 12-12-2023, rated 3/5. My noteson The Dangerous Life and Ideas of Diogenes the Cynic.
  12. Radically Condensed Instructions for Being Just as You Are by Matthews, J. Jennifer. Read 08-12-2023, rated 5/5. My noteson Radically Condensed Instructions for Being Just as You Are.
  13. Returning to Silence: Zen Practice in Everyday Life by Katagiri, Dainin. Read 04-12-2023, rated 4/5. My noteson Returning to Silence: Zen Practice in Everyday Life.


2023 12 Sketches


  1. Dark Souls 3 on PS5. Rated 5/5.


    Nothing this month.