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Theme for 2024

Off the back of a review of the year, and some thinking about my bigger picture philosophy, I scribbled a big buncha notes.


My theme for 2024 is going to (try and) be rest.

“I well get more rest, be more at rest, and leave the rest aside.”

Resting and relaxing is something I have not been doing very well during 2023.

Some things that I find relaxing:

meditating, cooking, sketching, walking, arting, reading, music(k?)ing.

I know that part of me does want to rest, to relax. I find “close your eyes” instructions in a meditation session very easy, quick, pleasing. I often find I gently resist the “open your eyes” instructions at the end of a session: I want to stay sitting there, eyes closed, resting and relaxing.


I keep finding myself being drawn back to Zen and Daoism. I’m going to dig more deeply into Zen this year, leaning more towards it than psychology or philosophy or nonduality or Buddhism more broadly.

I’ll be focusing on (what I will call pig) Zen:

I’m keeping notes from reading at /thinking/#zen.


A short record of what I’ve done, and what I plan to do next.

I’m aiming for a specific topic for each month, to keep myself focused.


January end of month check-in

I did well with these, apart from the Art / music. I only made one track. I had a fun doing it, though, so I’m going to carry this over to February.

I’ve enjoyed studying and implementing Zen things. I have a handful more books that are introduction-like, so I’m going to carry this over to February too.


February end of month check-in

I didn’t do so well this month. I didn’t do any sketching, and only made one music track. I managed to read a few books, though, including a couple of good Zen ones. I started, and am still, running and am enjoying it a lot.

I’m going to try and be more specific with some of March goals. I often find that helps.


March end of month check-in

A bit mixed, but I’m happy with how it went. In particular, I got a lot from focusing on Thich Nhat Hanh books and (re)discovering how he talks about interbeing.


April is a bit of a rest between jobs, and taking another spiral around my philosophy.

April end of month check-in

Pretty good! Weekend and a week away were both really good for resting. Did lots of reading for fun. Health went well. I did a little bit of sketching and arting and enjoyed it. Did lots of mindfulness things: a solo and a group retreat; revisited my philosophy, read some great books. Prepared and gave a lightning talk, did some good work on the one day workshop. Started a new job that’s fully remote work; keeping an eye on myself with that.


First month a new job, so I’m going to aim low. I know from experience that the first few weeks, often months, is really exhausting.

May end of month check-in

Rest went well. I found it fairly easy to relax. Maybe because I’m tired.

Health was good, but I stopped running when the weather snapped cold, and then went a bit hibernate-y. That was okay for a few weeks, but I want to get back into it, do more than just big walks.

Art was very patchy. Very little in the way of drawing or music. That’s okay.

Mindfulness was great. Some good reading and thinking and things. The final week, taking a “break” to Just Sit was good.

Work was good. New job is great! It’s fast-paced, but I’m finding it… relaxing. Still tired, though! Still lots of new stuff.


I may have be a bit overindexing on the M of my Zen HAM. For June, I’m going to try and focus more on Health and Art. I’ll mostly take Dharma-related reading more slowly this month. When I would usually read, I might do a big sit, shikantaza-style, just sitting, or make some music. Then maybe read a little afterwards.

June end of month check-in

My plans for June didn’t work out as… planned. The OMB session and the work workshop took up a lot of time and space, and that left me with little energy for much else. Some stuff is carrying forward.


July end of month check-in


August end of month check-in


September end of month check-in

It went okay! Read a bit about death and it made me feel better. Reading a Joan Tollifson book made me feeling (more) at peace with the (im)perfection of where I am and with how things are. I didn’t do some of the things on my Mindfulness list, but I did others, so that’s fine. Health was fine this month, but I didn’t get back into exercising at all. Enjoyed helping run a retreat. Feeling good about OMB.


October end of month check-in

Well, that went… okay. I didn’t manage to get back into proper excerising of running, but I have been doing my usual Walking A Lot, so that’s good. Still ending up reading quite a lot, possibly because of the having a few days of holiday. Had a slightly peculiarly paradoxical experience of meeting work teammates: feeling both more connected and more separate 🤷‍♂️. Didn’t get any sketching done.


November end of month check-in

Hmm! Art did not go so well. Neither did health. Had some life and work stress that kind of knocked me off-kilter. Did some good reading and settling, though. And wrote a fair bit too.


Bit of a quiet / unusual month. First week is Rōhatsu. Three weeks of work, then Monday 23rd onward is end of year shutdown.

Added 2023-12-30, last updated 2024-12-23.