OMB TSOA notes
Intro, credit, Overview, Practices
About 5 minutes.
- This is from The Little Book of Being: Practices and Guidance for Uncovering Your Natural Awareness by Diana Winston
- Also at The Spectrum of Awareness – Diana Winston on the Waking Up App, some “Insights at the edge” episodes on Sounds True, on Spotify and other place.
- DW facts:
- practicing mindfulness meditation since 1989
- taught mindfulness since 1999 in a variety of settings including hospitals, universities, corporations, nonprofits, and schools in the US and Asia
- Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center
- member of the Teacher’s Council at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, where she was trained to teach by Jack Kornfield
- The Spectrum of Awareness is four ways to meditate.
- A map / model for awarenesss.
- Bring some fluidity and flexibility to your practice.
- Different ways to meditate
- Not hierarchical
- Useful for different things and situations.
- Vary by:
- object of meditation
- width of attention
- amount of effort
The four kinds
- Focused Awareness: one object, very narrow, high effort.
- Cultivates concentration, tames a busy mind, clarifying.
- Investigative Awareness: one main object, narrow, some effort.
- Good for being flexible, but controlled.
- Good for noticing the tone of moods, emotions, memories, and for noticing their impermanence.
- “Investigative” like exploring experientially, not like detective thinking.
- Still connected to the anchor, but a little room to explore.
- Choiceless Awareness: several objects, broad, variable effort.
- Good for flexibility, relaxing and resting.
- Also called Open Awareness. Just sit and notice whatever arises, moment after moment.
- Natural Awareness: no objects, very broad, effortless.
- Highlights impermanence, fluidity.
Minitation: Investigative flowing into Choiceless
About 5 minutes.
We’ll start with our anchor. Then when we get pulled away, let our attention rest on the object briefly, notice it. Then gently back to the anchor. Then after a minute or two we’ll lightly let go of our anchor.
- Settle into a comfortable posture.
- Bring your attention to your anchor.
- Part of your body that feels at ease, solid, safe, stable, pleasant.
- Maybe your breath.
- Pay close attention to your anchor. Notice everything you can about it.
- When something pulls you away, just notice it.
- There’s no need to judge or evaluate it, just notice it.
- Maybe it’s an emotion. Or a thought. Or a sensation in your body.
- Let it hold your attention for a moment.
- If it’s something that feels difficult, that’s okay.
- See if you can let whatever is there be there.
- See if you can leave it where it is. Soften around it.
- Gently come back to your anchor.
- Notice your anchor.
- Then noticing what else arises, giving it your full attention.
- Then coming back to your anchor.
- Now, loosen your hold on your anchor. Keep alert, but don’t worry about coming back to it.
- Let go of the story and just notice that what’s arising keeps changing.
- Just pay clear attention to whatever is arising.
- Try and let go of like or don’t like, and just notice things arise and pass away.
- Sounds, just noticing them, not getting lost in a story
- Body sensations. Movement, heaviness, tingling, warmth, vibration.
- Emotions. Like sadness or joy, frustration. Simply notice.
- Thoughts. What’s happening? Planning, imagining, remembering.
- Let go of the story and just notice that what’s arising keeps changing.
- Now bring attention back to your anchor.
- Take a few deep breaths.
DIY intro
About 1 minute, for a 15 minute sit.
- We’ll end with about 15 minutes of DIY.
- Pick one, or more, of the styles that we had tiny tastes of, and sit with it a bit longer.
- No guidance for this bit of sit.
- As a quick reminder, the four were:
- Focused Awareness: one object, very narrow, high effort.
- Investigative Awareness: one main object, narrow, some effort.
- Choiceless Awareness: several objects, broad, variable effort.
- Natural Awareness: no objects, very broad, effortless.
- You might like to do a “Full Spectrum” version: Focused into Investigative into Choiceless into Natural.
- Take a few moments to set your intention.
- …
- Three bells to start, three bells to finish.
Added 2024-06-10, last updated 2024-06-12.