Applied Philosophy for 2024
Now lives at MAP.
I tend to be a very practical person. Although I love analysis and thinking and figuring things out, it usually comes down βand now what?β Below are practices that help me bring to mind elements of my (updated) philosophy.
My theme for 2024 is rest so the practices are framed by that. Something like: let go, relax, rest, melt, widen, loosen, accept, wait. Rest, and stop pushing so hard.
Rest and watch the dance of causes and conditions and stories arising and passing away.
- The cosmos is purposeful but/and playful.
- Notice the playful patterns and variations of everything.
- Your true nature is the context of consciousness, not the contents.
- Relax into direct, embodied, experience.
- Subject and object arise as a pair in awareness.
- Notice the causes, conditions, and patterns that form your sense of self.
- Liberation is seeing through the illusion of there being a problem.
- Let go of the stories: the need to solve the problem; the problem itself; the self.
- Reality is one indivisible whole.
- Put down the work of dividing and labelling.
- Reality is flow, motion, change.
- Watch things arise, then pass away.
- Reality is complex, deep, rich.
- Hold the map more loosely.
- Reality is the source of all our thoughts and actions.
- Take things less personally.
- Perception is participation, and creates different forms, depending on the scale.
Added 2023-12-31, last updated 2024-04-28.