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The Headless Way

  1. What things are depends on the range of the observer. In 🌘 Nondual.
  2. The harmony past knowing or saying (re)sounds more deeply. In ☯️ Daoism, πŸ“ Experience.
  3. How far away from the object are your thoughts about the object? In πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness.
  4. Get past the conceptual overlay and just notice the raw data, direct experience. In ☸️ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, 🧘 Mindfulness, ⏰ Waking-up.
  5. Look for the edges. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.
  6. Look for yourself, at zero distance. In πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.

See also: Experiments in Having No Head.

Added 2023-06-16.