Like a ball in a pinball machine
Being a human in the world is like being the ball in a pinball machine.
- Flippers: we get bounced around frequently by things outside our control, often quite violently.
- Hi score: we can get stuck forever chasing something bigger and better.
- Bumpers: causes and conditions in life bump us about, with little choice or influence on our part.
- Flashing lights and sound effects: the stuff of life is busy and noisy all around us.
- Kickout hole: sometimes we get brief respites, a moment’s pause. Before being thrown once more unto the breach.
- Tilt: sometimes there are huge big shifts that seem to come out of nowhere.
- Many machines: we’re usually surrounding by at least a few others in similar situations. Some are a lot like us, some are very different. But there’s a shared, deep, core.
Added 2024-12-24.