- Listen. Notice, without judgement, with acceptance. Notice:
- the centre (yourself at zero distance)
- the lack of edges (the boundarylessness of everything, distinction but not division)
- the changes (things arising and passing away on their own, the ever-moving flow of Reality)
- Slow your tempo
- Doubt
I was thinking about RAIN and SNAIW and Slow, Accept, Open and things, and about tweaking the wording to make it a better fit for me. I was looking for phrasing that helped me stay the course more, restricted me a bit more. I whittled down to this.
- Listen. This feels a little more precise. With watch or notice, there’s still an element of action. We can still choose what to notice, where to look, to some degree. Listening feels more aligned with acceptance, to noticing without judgement. In the listening, there’s already some acceptance. And from Gathering more threads, the things that can be noticed:
- the centre (your true nature, your self at zero distance);
- the edges (the boundarylessness of everything, distinction but not division);
- the changes (the ever-moving flow of Reality).
- Slow your tempo. Impermanence sometimes makes me feel like stillness isn’t really possible. Life is movement. For now, slow down feels more useful to me than (perhaps the more true) “movement happens in stillness”. Patience. It feels like this aligns well with listening too: you can’t stop listening, but you can listen more carefully, more closely.
- Doubt. I find this good for widening, opening, don’t-know-ing, questioning, curiosity.
Added 2024-08-13, last updated 2024-12-26.