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My philosophy, another spiral

Now lives at MAP.

Expanding and updating an earlier take.

I'm (sort of) using 🎯 to denote direct noticing and 🏹 to denote indirect noticing (noticing an absence).

In short(ish)

The world

Reality is one, indivisible, whole

There’s variety and distinction, but no separation or division.

🎯 Notice the causes, conditions, and patterns.

Concepts create division, layers, stages, often as poles

Concepts and language add labels, create stories.

Concepts make Reality appear abstract or mysterious or elusive.

🏹 Look for the edges, the gaps between.

Reality is flow, motion, change

Forms have flow, motion, change.

Patterns create probabilities, not certainties.

Manifestation requires contrast to appear.

🎯 Notice the motion, the changes. Watch it arise, watch it pass away.

Concepts are fixed, static

🏹 Look for what’s static, fixed.

Reality is complex, deep, rich

🎯 Notice the fractal nature of everything.

Concepts flatten, simplify, exclude

🏹 Remember that the map is not the territory.

Reality is the source of all our thoughts and actions

Things arise and pass away on their own. There’s no free will, only the infinite causes and conditions of nature and nurture.

Laws like gravity don’t make things happen. Something underneath them does.

Nature embodies drives, but they’re not material.

Liberation is seeing through the illusion of there being a problem

The bridge

Perception is participation.

The self

Some sense of self is functionally necessary and unavoidable.

“No-self” doesn’t mean no responsibility, no potential for change. Awareness can bring more choices and possibilities.

Added 2024-04-03, last updated 2024-05-13.