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The self

  1. The self is causes, conditions, patterns. In ☸️ Buddhism, πŸ™‹ Self, ⭕️ Tmwt, ⏰ Waking-up.
  2. The self is a stream of dependently arising processes interacting. In ☸️ Buddhism, πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.
  3. The feeling of self is like clenching a fist. But the inside is still empty. In πŸ™‹ Self.


  1. We maintain our sense of self by editing of, selecting from, experience. In ☸️ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self.
  2. When we resist impermanence, the feeling of self intensifies. In πŸ™† Acceptance, ☸️ Buddhism.
  3. Being seen creates the β€œI”, we become self-conscious. In 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self.
  4. Notice what you map to your sense of self. For example: anxiety vs indigestion. In 🧘 Mindfulness, πŸ™‹ Self.
  5. The feeling of self is what it feels like to be thinking without realising you're thinking. In 🧘 Mindfulness, πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.

Breaking the illusion


  1. Take the backward step. In ☸️ Buddhism, 🧘 Mindfulness.
  2. The ocean, not the waves. In ☸️ Buddhism, 🧘 Mindfulness, πŸ’ͺ Resilience, πŸ™‹ Self.
  3. Feel the profound relief of recognising no-self. In ☸️ Buddhism, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self.


  1. Look for what’s looking. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.
  2. Look for the edges. In πŸ“ Experience, πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.
  3. Look for the center of experience. In πŸ“ Experience, ⏰ Waking-up.
  4. Look for yourself, at zero distance. In πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.
  5. Break the illusion of separateness of anything you can notice. In 🧘 Mindfulness, 🌘 Nondual, ⏰ Waking-up.

Seen in the first instant, or not at all. Before concepts, not beyond them. In 🧘 Mindfulness, πŸ™‹ Self.

Added 2023-04-16.