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Nondual practice


  1. Nondual practice is nondoing, relaxing. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual.
  2. Not an injunction to do, but an invitation to rest. In 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self.
  3. Experiencing before understanding, defining, or remembering. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual.

The Self

  1. The "I am" before adding anything, before looking backwards or forwards. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self.
  2. Anything that can be named or located can't be you: it's an object in awareness. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual, πŸ™‹ Self.
  3. Look for yourself, at zero distance. In πŸ™‹ Self, ⏰ Waking-up.

The Whole

  1. Reality is one indivisible whole, in constant motion. In 🌘 Nondual, ⭕️ Tmwt.
  2. Notice and orient towards the underlying unity and wholeness. In πŸ“ Experience, 🌘 Nondual.
  3. Find peace by resting in the wider whole, of this and not-this. In πŸ™† Acceptance, ☸️ Buddhism, πŸ“ Experience.

Added 2023-07-16.