Notes from Clear Sky Mind day retreat
My notes from Clear Sky Mind day retreat]( These aren’t exactly what was taught, more like what it brought up for me.
- Aiming for a clear, calm, mind is still chasing a state. And because it’s a state, it will arise and pass away.
- What’s always available? The clarity and stillness of the context of consciousness.
- There’s nothing wrong with, there’s no problem with, the body, having a busy mind.
- My practice is often circling around acceptance.
- Clouds in the sky look different, pretty, from above. Compare that to being underneath them, caught in a downpour. But it’s the same clouds!
- The sky, the clarity, doesn’t go anywhere. We don’t need to move to get there. We just need to let go. We just need to see that the clouds aren’t a problem (unless we think they’re a problem).
- Perception is participation. What (story) are you adding?
- Un-cover, dis-cover, the truth.
Added 2024-07-07.