Notes from "Meditation in Action" by Chögyam Trungpa
Gathered notes
- We fail to see life as it is because we build up our own version of it. Our opinions obscure our vision.
- Every situation can be a vehicle.
- Everyone has Buddha-nature.
- Behind material cravings is a fundamental wanting to possess.
- When we push things away, the ego puts new things in their place.
- Unlimited activity, not bound or conditioned by good or bad.
- Patience is the way to set an example of peace.
- No striving, no trying to achieve anything. No battle against evil from the side of good.
Raw notes
- In order to follow the spiritual path, we must first overcome the initial excitement.
- One fails to see life as it is because one tends so much to build up one’s own version of it.
- When you miss lunch, you may not be hungry, but the idea of missing lunch affects you.
- We should not accept everything blindly and try and fit it into the right pigeonhole, but try and see it at first hand, from our own experience.
- In order to see the continual pattern of development, we have to go through it manually.
- Speech alone is not the only method of communication.
- Somehow communication also continues after we finish speaking.
- We must accept whatever situation arises. As long as we never retreat from a situation, it will always present itself as a vehicle, and we will be able to make use of it.
- The idea that there are either “spiritually inclined” or “worldly” people and that there’s no way to bridge this gap can be a great hindrance to bhodicitta.
- Since Buddha-nature pervades all things, there is no such thing as an unsuitable candidate.
- Compassion with results that finally benefits you is compassion with an ego.
- A hindrance is also a vehicle.
- When you have a hostile attitude and push things away, other things spring up to take their place. This is the continual trick of the ego.
- Not “the teacher imparting their knowledge”.
- The student discovering something in themself.
- In the right situation, created by the teacher.
- Unlimited activity, as in not bound or conditioned by good or bad.
- See the value of possessions and be able to give them away.
- Someone who has a lot wants more, someone who has less is prepared to give.
- There’s always something behind craving material things. A fundamental wanting to possess, to own, always changing and substituting one thing for another.
- If you give to gain merit, it builds up your ego.
- Patience includes knowing when its right to forbear and develop patience.
- Easy to talk about, difficult to do.
- Remain in the centre, don’t react.
- Patience is the way to set an example of peace.
- In a sense, opinions provide a way to escape. They create a kind of slothfulness and obscure one’s clarity of vision.
- Make a vase, break it, to show that the space inside and outside are the same.
- Fear of losing the ego is one of the ego’s last weapons.
- Avoid feeling solemn. Natural and spontaneous. Simply try to identify oneself with the breath.
- No striving, no trying to achieve anything.
- No battle against evil from the side of good.
Added 2024-10-28.