Notes from Quantum Questions
My notes from Quantum Questions.
- A sustained use of critical intellect compelled great physicists to go beyond physics.
- Modern physics offers no positive support for mysticism. Yet they were all mystics of some sort.
- In mysticism, subject and object are one. Reality is a apprehended directly and immediately, without mediation, symbols, concepts, abstractions.
- But there’s no support for this in modern physics. “Our studies can never put us in direct contact with reality.”
- Great Chain(s), each level transcends and includes the last.
- Spirit > Soul > Mind > Life
- Mysticism > Theology > Psychology > Biology
- Spirit is the ground of all being.
- All domains are open to experiential disclosure.
- The battle is between experiential and dogmatic, not science and religion.
- An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in their subject, and how to avoid them.
- The good, the beautiful, the true.
- Think more broadly.
- Beauty is the conformity of the parts to the whole, and to each other.
- Physics has neither the task nor the capacity of revealing the inherent nature of natural phenomenon.
- Quantum mechanics is about the interactions between objects, not subject and object.
- Thought can’t be captured in our scientific picture because it is part of the picture.
- Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only the singular.
- The plurality of the world is an illusion; it’s a different aspects of one thing.
- We have elaborate stories to hamper our acceptance of the this simple recognition.
- Not attempt to justify, but sense their nature simply and clearly.
- Devout in the sense that you’re sure something is significant, and that it doesn’t need, or can be, rationalised.
- The universe look more like a great thought than a great machine.
- The universe is continually changing and evolving, working out its future from its past.
- If mind and matter were of fundamentally different natures, they couldn’t interact.
- Science can’t solve the mystery of nature because we are part of nature, we are part of the mystery we are trying to solve.
- We are that which asks the question.
- The spiritual aspect of experience is to the physical aspect is water is to a wave form.
- The illusion is to reality as smoke is to fire.
Added 2024-08-04.