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Notes on the intoxication precept

A precept can be a beacon, a lighthouse, a tool for liberation. It can help us:

It is not for measuring our own or others’ worth. “Am I able to be in the present moment?”, not “Am I a good person or a bad person?”

Phrasings of the intoxication precept

As prohibition

To provide boundaries.

As aspiration

The why, not the what, of substances

More widely

The accompanying values: mindfulness, responsibility.

Working with precepts

Pick one precept to work with for a while. Pick one circumstance to work with.

The details

Often we give up the substance without addressing the causes. That can be just one more act of cruelty.

Wider view on the precepts

Our reactions to ordinary, everyday, events show us our true colours. Use them to wake up.

Added 2024-05-03, last updated 2024-05-13.