Thinking – Recently Added
- It is a joy to be hidden, and a disaster not to be found. – Donald Winnicott
- The evidence of your unenlightment is always in the past.
- Resist the urge to suppress randomness.
- Have skin in the game.
- Focus more on avoiding negatives than attaining positives.
- Try not naming things.
- Favour epistemological humility over certainty. Find profound freedom in not knowing and not needing to know.
- The witness is just a thought too.
- The self is just one of our many constructed models of reality.
- Not 'get rid of the self', but transcend and include it.
- You lack for nothing; your task is to recognise this.
- We do bad behaviours so we can continue to hate ourselves, not the other way around.
- The koan of everyday life.
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