Self-acceptance, another round
Cribbed from Self-acceptance practices.
- Struggling against who you are doesn’t work.
- Recognise that the causes and conditions of your life have made you like this.
- When we learn to acknowledge, embrace, and understand of our suffering, we suffer much less.
- Our idea of happiness can be the main obstacle keeping us from happiness.
- Meet life as it is, not as you want it to be, as it “should” be.
See also The three uhds: let go of the shoulds; let go of the coulds; rest in the good(s).
- You are human, so the process of growth, maturation, is never done.
- Slowly, painfully, reconcile to life.
- Notice that struggling against who you are doesn’t work, doesn’t help, and causes damage.
- No human can be always compassionate and insightful and generous.
- Imperfections are normal, natural, human.
- Develop a healthy relationship with your imperfections.
- See the balanced view of yourself: your patterns and human imperfections; your basic innate goodness.
- Our idea of happiness can be the main obstacle keeping us from happiness.
- Gentle, honest, self-inquiry helps you soften up, lighten up, wake up.
- Recognise that the causes and conditions of your life have made you like this.
- Meet life as it is, not as you want it to be, as it “should” be.
- Sit still and feel the discomfort.
- When we stop running away and open to simply being here, the problem dissolves along with the “me” - who seemed to have it.
- If you can recognise and accept your pain without running away from it, you will discover that joy can be there at the same time.
- Recognise and accept your suffering.
- Take care of all the parts of who you are.
- When we learn to acknowledge, embrace, and understand of our suffering, we suffer much less.
Added 2024-12-15.