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Shifts in awareness, perspective, things like that. Zooming in and/or zooming out, changing your plane of focus.

Another remix

Remember two of the marks of existence: impermanence and no-self.

A direct approach

A Headless approach

A conceptual approach

A story approach

A problem approach

A verbose version

Remixed, with pointers

Move from self-centered stories to an open, direct, embodied experience without a self.

The Three Marks of Existence

Oh no, oh well, ohm

Emotion Outshifting

I found this in the Awakening Emotions session of Loch Kelly’s Effortless Mindfulness course on the Waking Up app.


When you have trouble with the N of RAIN, go back to the I. Look more closely for what and where it’s hurting.

After a RAIN meditation, stay in the open, awake, awareness for a while.

My philosophy, another spiral

Radical nonduality

Remixed and lifted from my Painting the Sidewalk with Water notes.

Added 2024-04-23, last updated 2024-05-24.