Some Zen Practices
- Direct experience of Reality, in particular nonduality.
- The sacredness of ordinary, everyday, acts.
- Engaging and unifying body and mind in practice, art, health.
Gates / Fields / Area
- Zazen.
- Just sitting, retreats.
- Dharma study.
- Imbuing practice with insight, inspiration, connection, context.
- Rituals.
- Bowing, engaging and unifying body and mind.
- Precepts.
- Live a moral, ethical, life.
- Art. Wholehearted, flow state.
- Sketching, painting, gardening.
- Mindfulness.
- The sacredness of ordinary, everyday, acts.
- Body.
- Health, engaging and unifying body and mind.
- Bodhisattva.
- Acting to free all beings.
- Work.
- Service, social action, environmental action.
Added 2024-01-06.