Spaciousness, openness, and not-this
ANT: And Not-This.
- Look for yourself at zero distance.
- Notice you are boundless, open, space.
- Notice the wider space that contains “this” and “not-this”.
- They always exist together. The “not-this” is the backdrop to the “this.”
- Your true nature is boundless, open, space.
- Anything you perceive reveals itself in this empty, still, silent, space.
- Prefer the bigger, more integrated picture.
- Accept the wider view of everything and its opposite.
- Love, compassion, expressed as the complete lack of boundaries, separation, distance.
Just noticing
- Look for yourself, at zero distance.
- Find just enough space to notice what’s going on.
- Leave space for things to untangle themselves.
- Rest in the wider whole of this and not-this.
- Be, accept, the whole of your experience, not just some of it.
Added 2024-03-05, last updated 2024-08-11.