Notes from "Tao Te Ching", Dale edition
Gathered notes
(I’ve read the Tao Te Ching a few times, and these gathered notes are what stood out for me this time.)
- The Path is about commitment to transcending our inhumanity. To allow our love and concern for others to define us. To treat everyone with love and respect.
- Naming and labelling fragments the one Reality.
- Opposites create, reveal, and define each other. Just as before and after follow each other.
- We are not separate from the world.
- We are an inseparable part of what we are senselessly trying to coerce.
- We are an intrinsic part of what we are foolishly trying to possess.
- Act without acting on. Work without working at.
Raw notes
- The lifestyle of the Great Integrity, then, is not about withdrawal from civilisation, not about escaping into a life of meditation. It is about engagement with life. It is about commitment to transcending our inhumanity.
The book
- In the infancy of the universe, there were no names. Naming fragments the mysteries of life into ten thousand things and their manifestations.
- Difficult and easy, long and short, high and low, define each other, just as before and after follow each other.
- Thus do we create what is to use what is not.
- Never seeking fulfilment, (we) are never unfulfilled.
- (The Paradoxes of Returning to the Great Integrity)
- The first is to embrace simplicity and integrity.
- The second is to consume only the needs of our body and soul.
- The third is to allow our love and concern for others to define our essentiality.
- We are an inseparable part of what we are senselessly trying to coerce.
- We are an intrinsic part of what we are foolishly trying to possess.
- The highest virtue quietly serves universal needs. The lowest virtue actively strives for personal success.
- The highest morality serves common needs. The lowest morality is self-serving.
- The movement of the Great Integrity is infinite, yet its character is passive. Being defines every form of life, yet all originate in, and return to, non-being.
- When the ego interferes in the rhythm of process, there is so much doing! But nothing is done.
- Act without acting on. Work without working at.
- When are thousands of people attracted to a sage? When the sage positions themself below people, always listening, tirelessly responding to their needs.
- Since the sage treats everyone with love and respect, everyone loves and respects the sage.
- If you love, you will be fearlesss. If you are moderate, you might always sense abundance in life. If you live in humility, you will be widely trusted.
- The Way of the Great Integrity is like stringing a bow, pulling down the high, lifting up the low.
Notes from the Dale edition of Tao Te Ching.
Added 2024-10-11.