The Comedian
Following on from the Inner Critic, Grips for the Critic / Coach coin, and The Constable. In particular, from the Talk amongst yourselves sections: how do these parts interact with each other.
The Comedian does a humorous reframing of things. They make almost everything into a joke. This can lighten things up, make more difficult things easier to deal with. Ideally, that would be a gentle “don’t be silly”, but sometimes The Inner Critic’s tone of voice sneaks in.
A useful aspect of The Comedian is the comedic (re)frame. Looking at the current frame, often blame or shame, and changing it. It’s one flavour of how the three uhds can come out.
The Comedian can be a particularly good antidote to The Inner Critic. They can highlight the ridiculousness of The Inner Critic’s demands, standards, expectations.
Something I’ve noticed: I tend to be quite creative when I’m trying to be funny.
Lols elsewhere
A turn of phrase from Pema Chodron’s “Start Where You Are” seems appropriate:
Confront yourself with honesty and a sense of humour.
And one from the Cynics:
Combine wit and seriousness for an effective educational tool.
Added 2024-07-13, last updated 2024-09-03.