Notes from The Creative Act
Notes from Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act.
- We can quiet our inside so we can perceive more on the outside, or quiet the outside so we can notice more of what’s happening on the inside.
- Childlike perception, innocent state of wonder and appreciation, not tethered to utility or survival.
- Look for what you notice but no-one else sees.
- Nature transcends our tendencies to label and classify, to reduce and limit.
- The closer we can get to the natural world, the sooner we start to realise we are not separate.
- No-one is the same person all day long.
- The sensitivity that allows us to make art is the same vulnerability that makes us more tender to being judged.
- We’re not playing to win, we’re playing to play.
- By accepting self-doubt, rather than trying to eliminate or repress it, we lessen its energy and interference.
- The more we pay attention, the more we begin to realise that all the work we do is a collaboration.
- Many of our beliefs were learned before we had a choice in what we were taught.
- Beginner’s mind is starting from a pure, childlike, place of not knowing.
- Any preconceived ideas and accepted conventions limit what’s possible.
- Children have the ability to freely move from one emotion to the next without holding on to the story.
- Put the decision-making into the work, not into when to work.
- To truly weigh choices, its necessary to bring them into the physical world.
- To be evaluated, ideas have to be seen, tasted, touched.
- Whether imposed by design or necessity, it’s helpful to see limitations as opportunities.
- By breaking the rules, you’ll come to have a greater understanding of your past choices.
- Make things and share them, without being attached to the outcome.
- Treat obstacles and difficulties as plot twists in your story. What happens next?
- Self-competition is for moving things forward, making progress.
- We are unreliable narrators of our own experience.
- Approach the process with humility and the unexpected will visit more often.
- We’re required to believe in something that doesn’t exist to allow it to come into being.
- Soften, become more porous, let more light in.
- Receive wisdom skilfully. Try it own for size and see how it fits.
- By practising to improve, you are fulfilling your ultimate purpose on this planet.
- Take art seriously, without going about it in a serious way.
- Embrace the prism of self, and keep allowing reality to bend uniquely through it.
- We have stories about ourselves, and those are not who we are.
Added 2024-09-08.