The Whole
Some gathered ideas on reality as one moving whole, made up of pairs of (seeming) opposites.
- And not-this: notice how sounds happen in silence.
- Find peace by resting in the wider whole, of this and not-this.
- Be, accept, the whole of your experience, not just some of it.
- Reality is one indivisible whole, in constant motion.
- Reality in all domains in composed of holons: wholes that are parts of other wholes.
- Each part is in the whole, the whole is in each part.
One and Opposites
- Prefer the bigger, more integrated picture.
- Accept the wider view of everything and its opposite.
- Opposites reveal, create, support, define each other.
- Opposites co-exist, making something new and taut and harmonious.
- Many of the opposites we set up are false. There's distinction, but not division.
Added 2023-05-23, last updated 2023-06-18.