Together in the middle
Perspectives from philosophy, Buddhism, and working in accessibility.
Some kind of mix of the middle way and union of (seeming) opposites.
Extremes, binaries, tend to be… dodgy.
- Always true or always false.
- 100% right or 100% wrong.
- Absolute or Relative.
- Emptiness or Form.
- Same or different.
- Push or pull.
- “This is perfect.”
- “This changes everything.”
- Never or always.
What we need is a more nuanced, broader, middle way that’s more like “why can’t it be both?”, and “when and how does this apply?”, and “what are the ranges on the spectrum?”
Not either/or, but both/and.
It seems a bit paradoxical. but only if we overthink it.
Do neither. But hold both.
Added 2024-07-19, last updated 2024-07-27.