π Motion and ...
- Tmwt (8)
- Acceptance (1)
- Buddhism (11)
- Daoism (4)
- Experience (4)
- Human (2)
- Mindfulness (2)
- Nondual (2)
- Opposites (2)
- Waking-up (3)
Motion and Tmwt
- We learn, grow, in hierarchical spirals.
- The cosmos, reality, is a continuous, restless, swarm of happenings.
- Change is ubiquitous, but isn't successive instants.
- History repeats itself, but not in quite the same way.
- Progress towards truth is a circular motion of revisiting things.
- Resistance to the flow brings beauty, complexity.
- All things are in process, rising and returning.
- Complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system.
Motion and Acceptance
- This too shall pass.
Motion and Buddhism
- Recognise your self as overlapping, malleable, stories.
- Life is defined by growth and transformation, aliveness.
- Notice the freshness of unfolding reality.
- Attend to the dynamic nature of emergent life.
- Practice is about moving from experiences to experiencing.
- Impermanence is what makes transformation possible.
- Awakening is an ongoing process, a ripening, cultivation.
- Experience is renewing itself in every moment.
- Nothing really forms long enough to be an impermanent thing.
- Impermanence. Everything and everyone changes, regardless of what we might think or want.
- Everything arises and passes away, all on its own.
Motion and Daoism
- The rivers all flow to the sea because it's beneath them.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- All things are in process, rising and returning.
- Complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system.
Motion and Experience
- Notice the freshness of unfolding reality.
- Attend to the dynamic nature of emergent life.
- Experience is renewing itself in every moment.
- Everything arises and passes away, all on its own.
Motion and Human
- Big changes happen through sufficient suffering or inspiration.
- Function melts form, perpetually. Form follows failure.
Motion and Mindfulness
- The Path is a river.
- Awakening is an ongoing process, a ripening, cultivation.
Motion and Mindfulness and ...
Motion and Nondual
- Practice is about moving from experiences to experiencing.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
Motion and Opposites
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- Complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system.
Motion and Waking-up
- Experience is renewing itself in every moment.
- Impermanence. Everything and everyone changes, regardless of what we might think or want.
- Everything arises and passes away, all on its own.