π Nondual and ...
- Tmwt (12)
- Acceptance (3)
- Buddhism (48)
- Daoism (16)
- Experience (33)
- Human (11)
- Mindfulness (6)
- Motion (2)
- Opposites (14)
- Resilience (1)
- Self (52)
- Slowness (1)
- Waking-up (14)
- Zen (1)
Nondual and Tmwt
- Absolute control of our environment is not a desirable or possible goal. We are in, of, and acted on by, the world.
- Knowledge can be articulated, but understanding is inhabiting in nondual space with the question.
- The smaller the dismembered part, the less it comprehends itself, the whole.
- The all-time of the whole becomes the no-time of the center.
- And/or. We need both.
- The taut string of a bow gives rise to the power to fire an arrow.
- Distinction is not the same as division.
- We construct our reality. Perception is active participation.
- We are the cosmos becoming more itself, becoming aware of itself.
- Subject and object are distinct, but not separate.
- Reality is one indivisible whole, in constant motion.
- Everything is connected.
Nondual and Acceptance
- Favour epistemological humility over certainty. Find profound freedom in not knowing and not needing to know.
- No me, no problem. Just this!
- Not a heroic quest, but a silent attunement.
Nondual and Acceptance and ...
Nondual and Buddhism
- Whatever you're feeling, mix it with space.
- Sweeping the mind of all internal chatter to allow the world to rush in and recognise itself.
- The witness is just a thought too.
- The self is just one of our many constructed models of reality.
- Not 'get rid of the self', but transcend and include it.
- No me, no problem. Just this!
- It is difficult to find awareness because it is too close, too accessible, too present, and too simple.
- Being is always bright, whatever the contents of consciousness.
- There's no need to be so antagonistic towards the costume you're wearing.
- The darkness behind your closed eyes arises in the transparency, the emptiness, of consciousness.
- Completeness can be accessed more easily through incompleteness.
- Our deepest nature is the unity that includes diversity.
- The illusion of duality is the primary source of human suffering.
- The harmony that includes our differences is deeper and more durable than the one that doesnβt.
- Say "no thanks" (to the self). And mean it!
- The wholeness of life is all there is.
- Life is something we are, not something we're trying to negotiate.
- Our true nature is deep, still, harmonious without the polarities of opinion and belief.
- Empty as in absence, the possibility of appearance.
- Effortless action as in: no sense of self taking action
- By holding fast to our likes and dislikes, we continually recreate the sense of self.
- Zen uses contradiction and paradox to loosen our grip on concepts.
- Totally embrace all ordinary opposites in harmony.
- The separation of subject and object is only conceptual.
- Labels divide and isolate.
- Craving something makes it feel farther away.
- Your identity is a narrow slice of your potential.
- Grasping and aversion both reinforce things.
- No separation between you and the circumstances of your life.
- Don't let the content of awareness veil your true nature of happiness and peace.
- Manifestation, performance, function, but no centre.
- An empty signifier with no fixed referent.
- Everything that exists is contingent.
- The sense of self is just another thought.
- The knowing and the object arise as a pair, distinct but not separate.
- Making yourself an attractive object doesn't help you be happy as a subject.
- Emptiness means not independent, not separate, not unchanging.
- The effort to meditate creates the meditator, separateness, duality.
- Feel the profound relief of recognising no-self.
- No things are truly independently existing.
- We can't think our way out of thinking, only observe it, from outside it.
- We can't think in a nondual way, only notice when we're not doing it.
- Practice is about moving from experiences to experiencing.
- Non-forgiveness comes from feeling separate, being self-centered.
- Things only exist by convention, in aggregates.
- Subject and object are distinct, but not separate.
- Reality is nondual.
- Everything is connected.
Nondual and Daoism
- Effortless action as in: no sense of self taking action
- By focusing attention on a concept we create its opposite.
- "The Tao is like muddy water" is a precise description of things as they are.
- Life is the dancer, you are the dance. Notice that you canβt tell the dancer from the dance.
- Adapt the nothing therein to the purpose at hand.
- Polarities have rewards of focusing and risks of neglecting either pole.
- Pay attention to interior and exterior, individual and collective.
- Polarities create friction when they feel like opposites, contradictions.
- Notice, harmonise, and integrate patterns in polarities.
- Don't draw forced, unnatural, distinctions.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- Distinction is not the same as division.
- Why canβt it be both? Some things that look like a dichotomy, aren't.
- Where the pot's not is where it's useful.
- Reality is nondual.
- Expert consciousness is nondual. The (constructed) boundary between doer and doing vanishes.
Nondual and Experience
- Try not naming things.
- Favour epistemological humility over certainty. Find profound freedom in not knowing and not needing to know.
- Being is always bright, whatever the contents of consciousness.
- Empty as in absence, the possibility of appearance.
- Zen uses contradiction and paradox to loosen our grip on concepts.
- The separation of subject and object is only conceptual.
- Labels divide and isolate.
- "The Tao is like muddy water" is a precise description of things as they are.
- Look more closely and resist the urge to summarise.
- Look for your head.
- The mind is awareness in motion, an activity of awareness.
- The witness and the object are two sides of the same experience.
- Reality is not given to you twice.
- The knowing and the object arise as a pair, distinct but not separate.
- The experience of choice: we hear the question; we choose; we think "I chose".
- Choice is just an interpretation of an experience.
- When we're absorbed, time and embodiment are backgrounded.
- The first instant is before before classification, measuring, labelling.
- Sense fields: What shape is it? What size it? Where are the edges?
- No approaching, no becoming. Just let everything fall away.
- Any given duality or division is conceptual only.
- The "I am" before adding anything, before looking backwards or forwards.
- Challenge your assumptions using your direct experience.
- Anything that can be named or located can't be you: it's an object in awareness.
- Nondual practice is nondoing, relaxing.
- Nature shows us concrete versions of impermanence and interdependence.
- Notice and orient towards the underlying unity and wholeness.
- Experiencing before understanding, defining, or remembering.
- Recognize, once again, that life is bigger than we are.
- We're not, and have never been, separate from our experience.
- And not-this: notice how sounds happen in silence.
- No things are truly independently existing.
- We construct our reality. Perception is active participation.
Nondual and Experience and ...
Nondual and Human
- Nonduality reduces self-related thoughts, leaving more room for everything else.
- It's only when you think about it that it hurts.
- Look more closely and resist the urge to summarise.
- No separation between you and the circumstances of your life.
- Making yourself an attractive object doesn't help you be happy as a subject.
- We are in and of the world, not separate from it.
- When we're absorbed, time and embodiment are backgrounded.
- Orient towards unity, wholeness, the peace therein.
- Polarities have rewards of focusing and risks of neglecting either pole.
- Pay attention to interior and exterior, individual and collective.
- Non-forgiveness comes from feeling separate, being self-centered.
Nondual and Mindfulness
- The evidence of your unenlightment is always in the past.
- It's only when you think about it that it hurts.
- Nature shows us concrete versions of impermanence and interdependence.
- And not-this: notice how sounds happen in silence.
- Break the illusion of separateness of anything you can notice.
- The cramp of self-consciousness is the opposite of nondual feeling.
Nondual and Mindfulness and ...
Nondual and Motion
- Practice is about moving from experiences to experiencing.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
Nondual and Opposites
- Reality is fundamentally interconnected, interdependent, inseparable.
- By focusing attention on a concept we create its opposite.
- Craving something makes it feel farther away.
- Binaries are an essential quality of reality.
- Any given duality or division is conceptual only.
- Polarities create friction when they feel like opposites, contradictions.
- Notice, harmonise, and integrate patterns in polarities.
- Imbalance is purely perceptual.
- But/and. Continuation and negation. The turn, The twist.
- And/or. We need both.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- The taut string of a bow gives rise to the power to fire an arrow.
- Why canβt it be both? Some things that look like a dichotomy, aren't.
- Where the pot's not is where it's useful.
Nondual and Resilience
- Orient towards unity, wholeness, the peace therein.
Nondual and Resilience and ...
Nondual and Self
- The witness is just a thought too.
- The self is just one of our many constructed models of reality.
- Not 'get rid of the self', but transcend and include it.
- Who will be the knower once the self is know? The knower must be the self.
- We should say "it thinks" like we say "it rains".
- Understand yourself as a facet of the whole. Identify with all the other facets.
- The subject appears later and lays claim to the action.
- The mind creates the fiction of duality by superimposing interpretations on perceptions.
- The knower is consciousness delimited by the mind; the known is consciousness delimited by the objective form.
- The conceptual mind is surmounted by exhausting it, negating all conceptual possiblities.
- Something can't arise from nothing. Either there is still nothing or there was always something.
- Pushing againt yourself creates a division.
- Intentionality is the hinge between dual and nondual action.
- Each thought is nondual. We obscure this by linking thoughts in a chain.
- Craving is how we divide up the world through language.
- If you believe that you are in control of your thoughts, that you create them: trying stopping thinking!
- Our true nature is deep, still, harmonious without the polarities of opinion and belief.
- By holding fast to our likes and dislikes, we continually recreate the sense of self.
- Look for your head.
- The mind is awareness in motion, an activity of awareness.
- Happiness can't be acquired, only revealed.
- Manifestation, performance, function, but no centre.
- An empty signifier with no fixed referent.
- The space in which reality reveals itself.
- The self is a public event and a private experience.
- The self is a modality of action, not the seat of our identity.
- The more true the identity is, the less defined, until it finally drops away.
- Sense the indefinite, flexible, indeterminate boundaries.
- Not a heroic quest, but a silent attunement.
- "ego-reframe" more than "ego death": revealing the interconnected relationships of self and reality, rather than a process of erasure and reconstruction.
- "We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains."
- The witness and the object are two sides of the same experience.
- The sense of self is just another thought.
- Reality is not given to you twice.
- Look for the dividing line between contents and context.
- A mirror only gives not-mirror. But it also only gives it in the mirror!
- You are not anything you can think about yourself.
- No approaching, no becoming. Just let everything fall away.
- The "I am" before adding anything, before looking backwards or forwards.
- Not an injunction to do, but an invitation to rest.
- Distraction from discomfort is the separate self expressing itself.
- Big insights have to be available now, not just as impermanent, peak, states.
- Anything that can be named or located can't be you: it's an object in awareness.
- The effort to meditate creates the meditator, separateness, duality.
- When you notice someone looking your way: what are they looking at?
- Have no preference. Change the cognitive frame.
- Feel the profound relief of recognising no-self.
- Being seen creates the βIβ, we become self-conscious.
- We're not, and have never been, separate from our experience.
- It's only when "I" arises that "You", "They", arise.
- The cramp of self-consciousness is the opposite of nondual feeling.
- If "I" am separate and free from my environment, how can I influence it and act on it?
Nondual and Slowness
- "I don't know." Remind yourself of the fact, not try to make it know.
Nondual and Waking-up
- There's no need to be so antagonistic towards the costume you're wearing.
- The wholeness of life is all there is.
- Life is something we are, not something we're trying to negotiate.
- If you believe that you are in control of your thoughts, that you create them: trying stopping thinking!
- Consciousness is already at ease. No effort, no push or pull. No doer, no one.
- Look for the dividing line between contents and context.
- A mirror only gives not-mirror. But it also only gives it in the mirror!
- Recognise what's already there, not acquire something that's missing.
- Knowing, not the knower and the known.
- Focus on the space, not the objects in the space.
- Break the illusion of separateness of anything you can notice.
- The cramp of self-consciousness is the opposite of nondual feeling.
- If "I" am separate and free from my environment, how can I influence it and act on it?
- Subject and object are distinct, but not separate.
Nondual and Zen
- Play in nonduality: enjoying the activity for its own sake.