↔️ Opposites and ...
- Tmwt (10)
- Buddhism (3)
- Daoism (15)
- Experience (2)
- Human (1)
- Mindfulness (1)
- Motion (2)
- Nondual (14)
- Resilience (1)
- Self (1)
Opposites and Tmwt
- "To have seen it from one side only, is not to have seen it."
- The whole truth is the reconciliation and holding together of opposites.
- And/or. We need both.
- Many of the opposites we set up are false. There's distinction, but not division.
- The taut string of a bow gives rise to the power to fire an arrow.
- Asymmetry is more important than symmetry. It can contain symmetry.
- Things can’t exist without their opposite.
- Opposites reveal, create, support, define each other.
- Opposites co-exist, making something new and taut and harmonious.
- Complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system.
Opposites and Buddhism
- To address your shortcomings, embody the opposite.
- Craving something makes it feel farther away.
- In between any two opposites lies emptiness, creative potential.
Opposites and Buddhism and ...
Opposites and Daoism
- By focusing attention on a concept we create its opposite.
- Things are often diminished by seeking to increase them, and increasing by seeking to diminish them.
- The Sage puts themself behind, to be on top without crushing, to guide without leading into harm.
- Opposites complete, test, determine, harmonise, give sequence to one another.
- Polarities create friction when they feel like opposites, contradictions.
- Notice, harmonise, and integrate patterns in polarities.
- If right differed from not-right clearly, there'd be no need for argument.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- Form is employed to make things clever. Emptiness is employed to make things useful.
- Why can’t it be both? Some things that look like a dichotomy, aren't.
- Where the pot's not is where it's useful.
- Things can’t exist without their opposite.
- Opposites reveal, create, support, define each other.
- Opposites co-exist, making something new and taut and harmonious.
- Complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system.
Opposites and Experience
- We habitually resist unpleasant experiences, which sustains and prolongs them.
- Any given duality or division is conceptual only.
Opposites and Experience and ...
Opposites and Human
- It depends. (On the context)
Opposites and Mindfulness
- We habitually resist unpleasant experiences, which sustains and prolongs them.
Opposites and Mindfulness and ...
Opposites and Motion
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- Complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system.
Opposites and Nondual
- Reality is fundamentally interconnected, interdependent, inseparable.
- By focusing attention on a concept we create its opposite.
- Craving something makes it feel farther away.
- Binaries are an essential quality of reality.
- Any given duality or division is conceptual only.
- Polarities create friction when they feel like opposites, contradictions.
- Notice, harmonise, and integrate patterns in polarities.
- Imbalance is purely perceptual.
- But/and. Continuation and negation. The turn, The twist.
- And/or. We need both.
- All things change and flow, continuously becoming their opposite.
- The taut string of a bow gives rise to the power to fire an arrow.
- Why can’t it be both? Some things that look like a dichotomy, aren't.
- Where the pot's not is where it's useful.
Opposites and Resilience
- It depends. (On the context)
Opposites and Resilience and ...
Opposites and Self
- To address your shortcomings, embody the opposite.