⏰ Waking-up and ...
- Tmwt (2)
- Acceptance (3)
- Buddhism (29)
- Daoism (1)
- Experience (19)
- Human (6)
- Mindfulness (19)
- Motion (3)
- Nondual (14)
- Resilience (1)
- Self (15)
- Slowness (1)
Waking-up and Tmwt
- The self is causes, conditions, patterns.
- Subject and object are distinct, but not separate.
Waking-up and Acceptance
- Life can't be other than it is.
- Relinquish your reaction to experience, and simply notice it.
- Accept whatever arises.
Waking-up and Acceptance and ...
Waking-up and Buddhism
- There's no need to be so antagonistic towards the costume you're wearing.
- The wholeness of life is all there is.
- More "Is this a helpful strategy?" and less "Is this a final, fundamental, truth?"
- Life is something we are, not something we're trying to negotiate.
- Cause and effect is an infinite regression.
- You are the principle victim of your delusions.
- You are the principal beneficiary of your practice.
- Renunciation, not action, is the path to liberation.
- The self is a stream of dependently arising processes interacting.
- Experience is renewing itself in every moment.
- Free will is an illusion. Can you decide to decide?
- Get past the conceptual overlay and just notice the raw data, direct experience.
- You can't use concepts to get beyond concepts.
- You don't have to fulfil a desire for it to pass away.
- You can't get there from here.
- This moment, as it is, is good enough.
- The self is causes, conditions, patterns.
- Subject and object are distinct, but not separate.
- Pay more attention.
- Look for the center of experience. It's not there.
- Leave everything as it is, in its place.
- In seeing, only the seen. There's no you.
- Impermanence. Everything and everyone changes, regardless of what we might think or want.
- Everything arises and passes away, all on its own.
- Consciousness is the prior condition of everything you experience.
- Concepts put imaginary fences around things.
- Begin Again, with with a fresh, open-hearted, perspective.
- Appreciate the sights you see from the train.
- Accept whatever arises.
Waking-up and Buddhism and ...
Waking-up and Daoism
- Respond in ways that open up choices.
Waking-up and Experience
- Doing collapses all possible futures into a single concrete present.
- Drop all your frames of reference.
- Look for the center of experience.
- Relinquish your reaction to experience, and simply notice it.
- Experience is renewing itself in every moment.
- Consciousness is "What it is like to be something".
- Get past the conceptual overlay and just notice the raw data, direct experience.
- This moment, as it is, is good enough.
- The contents of consciousness are a modification of consciousness.
- Look for what’s looking.
- Look for the edges.
- Look for the center of experience. It's not there.
- Leave everything as it is, in its place.
- In terms of experience, there is only consciousness and its contents.
- In seeing, only the seen. There's no you.
- Everything arises and passes away, all on its own.
- Consciousness is the prior condition of everything you experience.
- Concepts put imaginary fences around things.
- Accept whatever arises.
Waking-up and Experience and ...
Waking-up and Human
- More "Is this a helpful strategy?" and less "Is this a final, fundamental, truth?"
- What will you say no to, even thought it's worth doing?
- There's no need to tie your self-worth to your To Do list.
- There's no need to start the day with productivity debt.
- Free will is an illusion. Can you decide to decide?
- A person is different in different situations. A person changes over time.
Waking-up and Mindfulness
- Instead of "don't think about pink elephants", try "only think about pink elephants forever!"
- Desires only appear to contain imperatives.
- A willingness to begin again is the key to freedom.
- What will you say no to, even thought it's worth doing?
- There's no need to tie your self-worth to your To Do list.
- There's no need to start the day with productivity debt.
- Renunciation, not action, is the path to liberation.
- Break the illusion of separateness of anything you can notice.
- The cramp of self-consciousness is the opposite of nondual feeling.
- Drop all your frames of reference.
- Relinquish your reaction to experience, and simply notice it.
- Get past the conceptual overlay and just notice the raw data, direct experience.
- You don't have to fulfil a desire for it to pass away.
- This moment, as it is, is good enough.
- The feeling of self is what it feels like to be thinking without realising you're thinking.
- Pay more attention.
- Leave everything as it is, in its place.
- Begin Again, with with a fresh, open-hearted, perspective.
- Appreciate the sights you see from the train.
Waking-up and Mindfulness and ...
Waking-up and Motion
- Experience is renewing itself in every moment.
- Impermanence. Everything and everyone changes, regardless of what we might think or want.
- Everything arises and passes away, all on its own.
Waking-up and Nondual
- There's no need to be so antagonistic towards the costume you're wearing.
- The wholeness of life is all there is.
- Life is something we are, not something we're trying to negotiate.
- If you believe that you are in control of your thoughts, that you create them: trying stopping thinking!
- Consciousness is already at ease. No effort, no push or pull. No doer, no one.
- Look for the dividing line between contents and context.
- A mirror only gives not-mirror. But it also only gives it in the mirror!
- Recognise what's already there, not acquire something that's missing.
- Knowing, not the knower and the known.
- Focus on the space, not the objects in the space.
- Break the illusion of separateness of anything you can notice.
- The cramp of self-consciousness is the opposite of nondual feeling.
- If "I" am separate and free from my environment, how can I influence it and act on it?
- Subject and object are distinct, but not separate.
Waking-up and Resilience
- Begin Again, with with a fresh, open-hearted, perspective.
Waking-up and Resilience and ...
Waking-up and Self
- Instead of "don't think about pink elephants", try "only think about pink elephants forever!"
- If you believe that you are in control of your thoughts, that you create them: trying stopping thinking!
- Look for the dividing line between contents and context.
- A mirror only gives not-mirror. But it also only gives it in the mirror!
- Look for yourself, at zero distance.
- The cramp of self-consciousness is the opposite of nondual feeling.
- The self is a stream of dependently arising processes interacting.
- If "I" am separate and free from my environment, how can I influence it and act on it?
- Free will is an illusion. Can you decide to decide?
- You can't get there from here.
- The self is causes, conditions, patterns.
- The feeling of self is what it feels like to be thinking without realising you're thinking.
- Look for what’s looking.
- Look for the edges.
- A person is different in different situations. A person changes over time.
Waking-up and Slowness
- Desires only appear to contain imperatives.