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William James on Mystical Experience


The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) William James (1842-1910)

James is considered the first philosopher of mysticism.

James highlights four major defining traits of mystical experience, in addition to mentioning other common characteristics. The first two characteristics alone make for a mystical experience.

However, James highlights two other important traits which, while less universally present than the first two characteristics, are nonetheless commonly found in mystical experiences.

Additional Characteristics

Most philosophers of mysticism after James argue that his list of defining characteristics for mystical experience is incomplete or inaccurate in some way. However, despite its alleged flaws and limitations, James’ theory of mystical experience was the first of its kind and continues to influence the philosophy of mysticism to this day. His theory is thus an excellent starting point for anyone seeking to understand how to define mystical experience and its relationship to beliefs based on it.

From William James on Mystical Experience on 1000-Word Philosophy

Added 2024-11-28.