Zen Model of Awakening
- Cessation is the source of the Absolute.
- After an awakening experience, we function better, we’re triggered less often.
- Even the Buddha was cranky sometimes!
1. Kensho - Seeing one’s true nature
- Absence of self, no-self experience
- Unity experience, love
- Recognition of true identity
Temporary, multiple. Personality comes back, but often changed.
Realisation needs to penetrate our consciousness quite deeply for something dramatic to happen.
Typically each koan gives a little kesho.
2. Satori - foundation of consciousness shifts
- The truths we hold closest are what bind us most tightly to our sense of self, our personality.
- Passionate interest and action can still occur, but we’re not crushed if things don’t work out.
Daigo-tettei - “final awakening”
- Very rarely happens.
- Not really final, but very significant.
- Core personality issues are resolved.
- The source of the troubles stops, but existing consequences still have to play out.
From Zen Model of Awakening - Kenshō, Satori, Daigo-tettei, Stephen Mugen Snyder, Sensei, YouTube, 19m
Added 2024-12-22.