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Cultivating Awareness Every Moment

What is Mindfulness?

Practical Instructions for Mindfulness

  1. Set your intention
  2. Expand your awareness to include all aspects of the situation
  3. Make special note of whatever is happening in your body and mind
  4. Maintain an open, curious, and objective attitude
    • It is important not to suppress or deny any negative feelings or reactions you experience, but rather to expand your awareness to include them as aspects of your situation, just as you do in Zazen.
  5. Respond carefully to your moments of choice
    • Do this over and over again, letting go of any concern about how well or how poorly you are doing.
  6. Surrender as completely as you can to the simple process of Mindfulness
    • Just as you judge the quality of your Zazen based on the sincerity of your effort and not on the character of your experience while sitting, so it should be with Mindfulness.

Awareness as a Prerequisite for Practice

Carrying the Five Efforts off the Zazen Seat

Expanding Mindfulness in Your Life

Notes from Ten Fields of Zen Practice Chp 4 – Mindfulness: Cultivating Awareness Every Moment

Added 2024-04-28.