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Some quick notes on Rōhatsu.

Zazen. Shikantaza. Just sit.

Reflection afterwards

Some things felt like they were reinforcing good habits.

My plan

Some reflections from the front-loaded bit

Gathering it together a bit

Bodhi Day - 8/12 - Rōhatsu

The commemoration of the Buddha’s Enlightenment runs from 1st to the morning of 8th December in the NE Buddhist tradition.

The week leading up to the 8th December is one of the most difficult sesshins.

Prior to the start of the sesshin on 1st December, the monastery receives a thorough clean, supplies for the week are taken in and all work, bathing and leave is stopped for the period.

It is typical for Zen monks and layperson followers to stay up the entire night before Rōhatsu practicing meditation, and the holiday is often preceded by an intensive sesshin.

The timetable is gruelling with mainly sitting meditation (Zazen) and with only a couple of hour’s opportunity for sleep.

Each day begins well before dawn (3:45 am) and is a continuous practice of meditation throughout the day while sitting, walking, standing and lying down. There are from nine to eleven hours of zazen

Some ideas for a Rohatsu extra effort might include:

If you can arrange your diary to suit, then you might like to sit one night through. Blocks of sitting should be interspersed with half hour walks and some breaks with tea and biscuits.


Added 2024-11-27, last updated 2024-12-08.