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Sitting with koans

A koan is a “case record” or “public notice”.

Gathered notes



Raw notes

Introduction: the anatomy of the Zen koan

Historical Perspective

The definition of a koan

The Song period: a time of maturation

Five houses of Zen

The “Short-cut” approach of k’an-hua meditation

The nature of Rinzai (Linji) koan practice

Japanese koan study

Dogen and koans

Keizan, koans, and succession in the Soto school

Modern koan commentaries

Nansen (Nanquan) kills a cat

Commentary on the koan “mu”

A buffalo passes through a window

Everybody’s light

From Sitting with koans by John Daido Loori.

Added 2025-01-07, last updated 2025-01-11.