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Zazen – Our Total Response to Life

We even call Zazen “meditation” sometimes, for convenience. However, Zazen is not meditation in the sense of a mental exercise aimed at a particular result. Zazen is our total response to life.

Zazen as Becoming Intimate with Life

Zazen as Building Tolerance for Life

Zazen as Making Peace with Life

More on Zazen as Becoming Intimate with Life

Zazen as Seeing the True Nature of Life

Investigating the True Nature of Life in Zazen Without Adopting an Agenda

Zazen as Being One with Life

Practical Instructions for Zazen

  1. Dedicate time and space for Zazen.
  2. Position your body so you can remain perfectly still but also maintain alertness.
    • Sitting motionless in Zazen, we learn to show up for Life without expecting it to be pleasurable or entertaining, and without covertly trying to … achieve something useful while we sit.
  3. Set your intention.
  4. Open your awareness and sit, receptive and alert, like an infant experiencing everything for the first time.
  5. When you become aware that you have become lost in thoughts, sensations, or dullness, recognize this as a precious moment of choice. You are no longer lost but have remembered your intention. Expand your awareness as you did before, taking care to include everything that just happened and is happening. Do this over and over again, letting go of any concern about how well or how poorly you are doing.
  6. Surrender as completely as you can to the simple process of Zazen while you are sitting, judging the quality of your Zazen solely on the sincerity of your effort and not on the character of your experience while sitting. Evaluate whether the practice of Zazen is beneficial only after making it a regular part of your life for some time.

Zazen is Messy

Deepening Your Zazen

Notes from

Added 2024-05-11.